

Arjun GS is 7 years old and studies in the second grade, at Ironia Elementary School, Randolph, New Jersey. He loves reading, playing Minecraft, doing crafts and pretending to be a superhero.


Cerebration Junior Home


Once upon a time there was a boy named Tommy, and his sister named Gabby. They were both three, and they were going to visit their friends. They went in the afternoon around three. Their friend's names were Samantha and Dylan. They all spent time playing for two hours, and then it was 5:00 and while they were going home they got lost.

They went back to their friends' house and their parents were helping Tommy and Gabby to get home. Their house was located near a forest which was close to the backyard. Suddenly they heard a scream from the forest area. A loud voice was saying: "help me!" Samantha and Dylan's parents had a tent set up in the woods but a wall of stone blocked the house from the forest. Dylan was scared and said, "There's something fishy going on and I don't like it." The four kids went with the parents to the backyard trying to see who had screamed.

They couldn't find anyone and Samantha suggested they go inside the tent and play for a little bit. Their parents called Tommy and Gabby's parents so the two kids could stay for the night and not worry about going home this late. They got some chips and went inside the tent. Gabby asked, "Do you think that there's a ghost in the forest?" and Samantha said, "There is no such thing." Suddenly a man came and whispered at the tent door, "Does anybody have food in here?" The kids were scared but said "yes." Then they asked what his name was he said "Mr. Spuk."

He was an old man who was just hungry. The four kids gave him some chips and then set up the campfire. Then they put a stick into hotdogs and put them above the fire. They got plates and put the cooked hotdogs on them and they all ate together. Mr. Spuk thanked them and left. Then the four children went in their sleeping bags and tried to sleep but they couldn't. They heard screams again and when they looked through the tent window they saw Mr. Spuk had turned into a phantom and was laughing madly.

The kids quickly ran out of the tent into the house. Then the next morning they all saw the wall of stone had vanished. Tommy and gabby wondered if they had dreamed the whole thing. They went home and didn't go for a sleepover for a very long time.



Web Graphics and design by Smita Maitra * Background graphic by Kabir Kashyap* concept by Amrita Ghosh * Please read the disclaimer