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I have learnt to ignore your subtly raised

eyebrows, when I say I teach English;

Over the years, I have fought the

battles of equality, difference and

acknowledgement with you - to teach

your language in my way…

We have wrestled for what seems an

eternity, now - I have captured your

language and coloured her with my

greens, reds, purples and golds;

Your language is in my Raj, now…

History taught me your language so

that I become you, but I remain Me -

Your language is an enchantress, she

has hoodwinked you and taught me

your ways; she has given me, myself

in my true colours; she herself has

bathed in them….

I chuckle at your dagger words and

quietly murmur Et Tu Brute, while

she poises tall and dark at my side;

Now, she has betrayed you, yet again;

She has given me her most precious

jewel, Poetry…

Born in Kerala, South India, Usha Kishore now lives on the Isle of Man, where she lectures in English at the Isle of Man College. Usha’s poetry has been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, UK, Ireland and India. She also writes critical articles, which have appeared in international magazines.

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