Bapsi Sidhwa is the author of four internationally acclaimed novels. She lives in Houston, Texas, but was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and raised in Lahore. She graduated from Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, and began writing in her twenties.
Hardcover Publications: Novels
The Crow Eaters: Jonathan Cape - 1980
The Bride: Jonathan Cape - 1982
Ice-Candy-Man: Heinemann - 1988
United States
The Crow Eaters: St. Martin's Press - 1982
The Bride: St. Martin's Press - 1983
Cracking India: Milkweed Editions - 1991
An American Brat: Milkweed Editions - 1993
Bapsi Sidhwa Omnibus (four novels): Oxford University Press - 2001
Crow Eater: Ilmi Press - 1978
Crow Eaters: Orient Longman - 1979
Crow Eaters: Penguin - 1981
The Bride: Penguin - 1984
Cracking India: Penguin - 1992
An American Brat: Penguin - 1995
Paperback Publishers: Penguin, Fontana, Futura, Milkweed.
Foreign Publications and Translations:
Germany - List Verlag: Ice Candy Man - 1990
Germany - Rowohlt: Ice Candy Man (paperback) - 1992
Germany - D.T.V.: Crow Eaters - 2000
France - Actes Sud: Mister Candy - 1997
France - Actes Sud: La fiancée pakistanaise - 1996
Italy - Neri Pozza: Cracking India (La Spartizione del Cuore) - hardback 1999,
paperback 2000
Italy - Neri Pozza: Il Talento Dei Parsi - 2000
Greece - Epaminondas Papageorgiou: The Bride - 2001
Pakistan - Sang-e-Meel: The Bride - 1993
Russia - Izevesta: The Crow Eaters - 1980
1986-1987 - Bunting Fellow at Radcliffe/Harvard - Mary Ingraham Institute.
1987 - Fellow for the National Endowment for the Arts.
1991 - Visiting Scholar at Rockefeller Foundation Study Center, Bellagio, Italy.
1993 - Recipient of Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Writers' Award
1991 - Recipient of the Sitara-i-Imtiaz, the highest national honor in the arts,
1991 - Recipient of the National Award for English Literature by the Pakistan
Academy of Letters.
1992 Ð Recipient of the Patras Bokhari Award for Literature
1991 - Recipient of LiBeraturepreis for Ice-Candy-Man (Cracking India) in Germany.
2000 - Inducted into the Zoroastrian Hall of Fame during the millennium celebrations
in Houston
2002 - Won the Excellence in Literature Award from the Zoroastrian Congress
1993 - Chairperson (Eurasia) Commonwealth Writers' Prize.
1996 - Judge of Michner/Barthelme Award for Fiction (Inprint, University of
Special Note:
Cracking India(released as Ice-Candy-Man in the UK) has been made into a movie, Earth, by Canadian-Indian director Deepa Mehta. It was released in the United States USA in September 1999. Cracking India has also been narrated on the BBC in 10 installments.
In addition, stories, reviews and articles have appeared in Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand in publications including Pantheon Books, The New York Times Book Review, The Houston Chronicle, Harper's & Queen (London), The Economic Times, The London Telegraph, The World Paper.
Teaching Experience:
2001 - Postcolonial Teaching Fellowship, Southampton, England
1998-1999 - Fannie Hurst Writer-in-Residence (a creative writing position) at Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass.
1997 - Professor of English and Writer-in-Residence, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.
1989 - Assistant Professor: Writing Division, MFA Graduate Program, Columbia University, New York City, New York.
1984-1986 - Conducted novel writing workshops, Rice University, Houston, Texas.
1985 - Assistant Professor, Creative Writing Program, University of Houston, Houston, Texas.
1983 - Conducted fiction writing workshop, St. Thomas University, St. Paul, Minn.
Other fields of interest/activities:
Sidhwa, who represented the Punjab at the Asian Women's Conference at Alma
Ata, was on the Advisory Committee to Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto on Women's
Development till 1996. Sidhwa has worked among women to create an awareness
of their rights, and protested —using street-power, the platform, and
the media — against repressive measures aimed at women and the minority
communities in Pakistan. She has been voluntary secretary in the Destitute Women's
and Children's Home in Lahore for several years.